Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family Reunion

So I'm pretty excited that I get to see my daddy this weekend!! He is coming from west virginia..we going to camp and have a family reunion on saturday with family I haven't seen in ten years or longer...really gonna be nice to see is so short and I want to cherish these moments...I will be in shop on sunday or I'll be beading keep your eyes out for new creations!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Precious accomplishment Custom Order

Since I have permission to post pictures about a custom order I finished this weekend I thought I would blog about it too..I was asked to make two charms for two very special friends..They are two of my very best friends...I felt honored and blessed to make these two pieces for them...Being together for 9 years these two charms are just a small symbol of their love for each other...Having gone thru alot in the past few years these girls still stand strong..I took pride in making these pieces...Thanks Amy and Missi for being such WONDERFUL friends and friends for life!!
♥♥♥Thanks for taking time to read this blog♥♥♥♥

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ocean Jasper

I wanted to share with you my new Ocean Jasper Cabochon!! I bought her yesterday and I am sooo excited! I've been looking for the perfect beauty and FINALLY found her...I can not wait to place her in a sterling silver home...Here is a little insight and info on this precious stone! This is one of my most favorite's...

Ocean Jasper is a rare mineral, mined in only one place in the world, the Mine of Marovato, on the Ambolobozo Peninsula in the the north west
corner of Madagascar. Is called Ocean Jasper because the deposits are part of the coastline, and can only be reached by boat, and removed only
during low tide. This stone is immediately recognizable by its concentric rings of color, earning at the name "Orbicular Ocean Jasper." The most
common shades are greens and whites, with the less common shades of pinks and yellows also appearing in some specimens.

Mystical Qualities of Ocean Jasper: This stone is said to help with one's emotional life. Its colors relate to the solar plexus,
said to be a storehouse for emotions. Holding the stone is like holding on to an anchor, a safe haven, while allowing deeply buried
feelings to well up like a rising sea. It is said that the Jasper helps these feelings to be released in a way that allows one to process
them calmly, without drowning in them. For those who don't need such emotional work, ocean jasper is said to offer a soothing, grounding effect
helpful in dealing with change.

The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy.

* Stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras
* Increases expression of love in words and actions
* Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one's life
* Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace

This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings.

This beautiful stone is now mined out and its availability becomes more rare. Get yours now.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Taxes accomplished!

So today was very nerve wrecking!! But I accomplished my goal...Today was my first time turning in my taxes for my sales from my store to the state of Ohio...I only had to call them 4 times to get help with the now that I know what to do and expect I feel more comfortable for the next six months...So a HUGE pat on my own back for doing such a good job today!!
peace and love

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Super Excited Again!!

I just excited and wanted to share the sale of the Unakite Sterling Silver Earrings!! Thank you purchaser!!I love when people appreciate art!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Super Excited!!!

I am super excited to announce that the ring i posted yesterday has sold!! LOVE IT!! I'm really happy for the person who bought the piece...She is going to love her!!! Custom orders to finish this weekend..Will post pictures of them too...
thanks for stopping in!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Montana Agate Sterling silver ring

I have set this beautiful Montana Agate in 100% sterling silver with a scalloped bezel to hug this beauty tight..The stone is ♥amazing♥ she has a clear creamy look with a milk chocolate center...That is why I have named her Cocoa...She measures 15.76mmx15.76mm (Little less than 1/2in)..I accented this piece with tiny sterling silver leaves and used a flower accented band 1/8 in wide US size 6..I hand brushed a nice patina to her and buffed, shined, and tumbled for hours for shine and strength...This piece is shipped USPS priority mail and will arrived gift wrapped...

I use 100% recycled sterling silver and materials same quality just better choice to help keep our Earth cleaner and healthier...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Beautiful Finish

I finished a beautiful ring today!! More details hopefully tomorrow when I can take pictures! She sure is a beauty!! Once pictures are taken I will post on blog...I also started a custom order for some dear friends of mine the order is very special to really excited about them too!!!

Peace out

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Silver pieces

Went to a new bead shop today...(well new to me) and.....they had sterling silver YAY!! So I bought a couple ornaments to put on some new pieces I will be working on!! So tomorrow I will be starting a custom order and a piece for the store...Thank goodness...Hope and pray it isn't hot in workshop even with the a/c unit it can get pretty stinking hot in there...
Peace out!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wanted to share Custom Order

Hello to all that may stop by my blog!!
I wanted to share the custom order I finished...This is a Sterling silver handmade ring with a Tiger Eye setting, This Stone is BEAUTIFUL!!! The girl i made it for needed some luck which the Tiger Eye is good for...I put lots of love and gooood energy into it while making it...I am so happy she loved it and will cherish this piece as it meant alot to her....
Thank you for letting me share this with you all...

What a Beautiful Day

Enjoying my day off today...Catching up on some things here on computer after a busy week at work...Hope everyone is have a most wonderful day!!! I finally get to get back in shop this weekend...Getting ready to post a picture of a custom Tiger Eye ring I made a friend a couple weeks ago...Turned out beautifully and she loves it to
Peace Out!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Check out my friend new Etsy store!

My friend Donna has started her own Etsy shop as well...She is a beautiful artist that does paintings and drawings..The attention and heart she puts in every piece of work is awesome..So as you are checking out my stuff at
I'd love for you to make a stop at as well...
Thank you for stopping in to read my blogs!!

Carrie Ross

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can't wait to create!!

I'm pretty excited to get back in my work shop this weekend!! After going on vacation and watching such beauty at the beach it has inspired me with some ideas for some jewelry!! So yes I am excited and I CAN"T WAIT TO CREATE!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Meet my Family

Today I'd like to introduce you to my family here at home...later this week I will introduce you to my family where I come from...Here in my home I live with my girlfriend Tammy...One of the most wonderful people in my life! She has made me realize the small things in life and appreciate the things that i never did before...I look at life a whole other way now...She is my life my partner and my best friend...She has supported me thru this whole journey of my jewelry and craft making...My store and all that has come with it...i want to thank you my love with all of my heart and soul...

Now you all can say hello to my 3 wonderful children lol...My three chihuahuas! Stevie Nicks who is a blond chihuahua, Indigo Girl who is a brown chihuahua with a little russell in her, and last but surely not least Joplin (Janis) who is a blue chihuahua..Oh my how I love them all so much just like someone would love their own child...

Well thanks for taking the time to meet my family...

Rockgirl Creations
carrie ross

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rockgirl Creations: Last day of vacation

Rockgirl Creations: Last day of vacation: "Just got back from a wonderful trip to St. Petersburg FL...Two wonderful patients of mine treated us to a super time...I am so blessed in..."

Last day of vacation

Just got back from a wonderful trip to St. Petersburg FL...Two wonderful patients of mine treated us to a super time...I am so blessed in my life to have encountered such wonderful people...Now its back to work tomorrow and then workshop this weekend...i want to get my hands dirty in some silver..The beautiful ocean and scenery have inspired me for some pieces...The ocean made both Tammy and i very emotional..Considering all she has been thru with the oil spill... As we walked hand n hand on the beach after sunset we saw where someone drew in the sand WORLD was beautiful!!!