Monday, July 12, 2010

Last day of vacation

Just got back from a wonderful trip to St. Petersburg FL...Two wonderful patients of mine treated us to a super time...I am so blessed in my life to have encountered such wonderful people...Now its back to work tomorrow and then workshop this weekend...i want to get my hands dirty in some silver..The beautiful ocean and scenery have inspired me for some pieces...The ocean made both Tammy and i very emotional..Considering all she has been thru with the oil spill... As we walked hand n hand on the beach after sunset we saw where someone drew in the sand WORLD was beautiful!!!


  1. Beautiful photos. I love the world peace sand writing, how cool. I also love your story about talking hand and hand on the beach, how sweet. You two are great together, I am happy for you both. You both are extrodinary people with extrodinary hearts. I am thankful to be both of your friends♥ P.S. I love your new blog!!! As always I can't wait to see your new work :)

  2. Thanks Heather!!! Its a blessing to know u as well!! What an awesome friend to have who has taught me so much!!
    I love all my friends so much!!
