Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ocean Jasper

I wanted to share with you my new Ocean Jasper Cabochon!! I bought her yesterday and I am sooo excited! I've been looking for the perfect beauty and FINALLY found her...I can not wait to place her in a sterling silver home...Here is a little insight and info on this precious stone! This is one of my most favorite's...

Ocean Jasper is a rare mineral, mined in only one place in the world, the Mine of Marovato, on the Ambolobozo Peninsula in the the north west
corner of Madagascar. Is called Ocean Jasper because the deposits are part of the coastline, and can only be reached by boat, and removed only
during low tide. This stone is immediately recognizable by its concentric rings of color, earning at the name "Orbicular Ocean Jasper." The most
common shades are greens and whites, with the less common shades of pinks and yellows also appearing in some specimens.

Mystical Qualities of Ocean Jasper: This stone is said to help with one's emotional life. Its colors relate to the solar plexus,
said to be a storehouse for emotions. Holding the stone is like holding on to an anchor, a safe haven, while allowing deeply buried
feelings to well up like a rising sea. It is said that the Jasper helps these feelings to be released in a way that allows one to process
them calmly, without drowning in them. For those who don't need such emotional work, ocean jasper is said to offer a soothing, grounding effect
helpful in dealing with change.

The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy.

* Stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras
* Increases expression of love in words and actions
* Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one's life
* Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace

This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings.

This beautiful stone is now mined out and its availability becomes more rare. Get yours now.

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